香港兆基創意書院 - 中一入學簡介會報名表

HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity
Online Registration for Junior Secondary Admission Information Session



The HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (HKSC) will be hosting an Information Session for Junior Secondary admissions on the specified dates. Please fill out the registration form below to sign up. Upon successful submission of the form, your seat will be reserved, and a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Note: Attendance at the Information Session is mandatory for prospective students intending to enroll in the current academic year, as it provides an understanding of the school's educational philosophy and teaching methods. During the session, a personal password will be distributed to complete the application procedure.


* 必須填寫 Required fields
學生姓名 (此欄必須根據學生之身分證填寫)*
Name of Applicant (as shown on Hong Kong ID Card)

中文姓名 *
Chinese Name
姓    名  

English Name
Surname (姓)   Given Name (名) 
性別 *
 女 Female
 男 Male
 其他 Others

出生日期 *
Date of Birth
年 Year 月 Month 日 Day

現讀年級 *
Current Grade Level
家長電郵地址 (必須填寫有效電郵
作日後書院與閣下聯絡之用) *
Parent's Email Address
注意:建議使用 Gmail 或 Yahoo Email 登記,避免使用 Hotmail 或公司 email。 如使用其他 Email,或有機會收取不到面試資訊,敬請留意!
Attention: You are strongly advised to use Gmail or Yahoo for registration. There is a high chance of missing interview information if you use Hotmail or a company email provider.

現就讀學校/機構 *
Current School Attending

中文名稱 *  
Chinese Name

英文名稱 *  
English Name

學校編號 *  ?    
School Number
 適用 Available      不適用 Not available

「學校編號」為一組由教育局編配給學校的六位數字號碼,閣下可於教育局的 「學校搜尋」 網頁查找得到。若你的子女並非就讀於教育局管轄的學校 (如homeschool等),請剔選不適用。
School number is a set of identifying numbers for each school by EDB. You may search for the number on EDB’s School Search website . If your child does not study at a school under the jurisdiction of EDB (such as homeschooling), please pick 'Not available'.

家長聯絡電話 *
Parent's Contact Number
中一入學簡介會時段 *
Choice of Session
  2025年1月22日 (星期三) 6:00pm - 7:30pm 課程簡介會
出席人數(書院鼓勵家長與學生共同出席此簡介會) *
No. of Attendee(s)


請注意:您提供的資料將用於日後的聯絡和入學申請,請在確保資料無誤後按下「繼續」鍵。當頁面上出現「多謝閣下報名,您已成功留座。」字句時,即表示您已成功完成報名程序,我們將向您發送確認電郵。如果您未收到電郵,請撥打 2180 9595 與書院聯繫以進行查詢。無論在任何情況下,書院對於報名人未能或延遲接收任何通知而引起的任何損失或損害均不承擔責任。

Attention: Please ensure the accuracy of the information provided as it will be used for future communication and enrollment purposes. After confirming that the information is correct, please click the "Continue" button. Upon seeing the message "Thank you for registering. Your seat has been successfully reserved," it means that your registration is complete, and a confirmation email will be sent to you. If you do not receive an email, please contact the school at 2180 9595 for further assistance. Please note that the school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage incurred due to the failure or delay in receiving any notifications.

IMPORTANT: By clicking "Continue," you acknowledge and agree to the terms stated above.